
Category - All Windows Handheld Computers


After I synchronize, Bar|Scan told me it did not recognize the handheld computer file. Is the file lost?
Does Windows Mobile have a maximum number of Partnerships? Do my handheld computers have to have unique names?
I am using Quantity Mode in my handheld computer. Does it only work with Room Tags?
I have lost an asset and may have uploaded it into the wrong database. Is there a quick way to find it?
Message: "barscanw...companyreaderbslget.dbf already exists, overwrite it?" when I synchronize my handheld computer."
Message: "Reader hardware not detected. ID=0"
Message: "Tcp/Ip is not available" on my PC when I try to synchronize.
Our Purchase Order Numbers are 25 characters long. In the handheld computer, the maximum is 20 characters. How can I collect the PO Number?
We have Pocket PC handheld computers that were repaired and Bar|Scan is no longer installed. How can I reinstall the Bar|Scan application?
What are the codes that you can use in the Serial Number field that Bar|Scan will not consider as duplicates?
Can Bar|Scan scan a UID Label?
Can I control the Handheld’s Sound?
Can I diagnose my handheld computer problem?
Can I remove characters from a scan?
Does Bar|Scan check the handheld's clock?
Error: "An unexpected error has occurred in Barscan.exe. Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information." and the Details message is: "Barscan.exe TypeLoadException".
Error: "Unable to activate port listening"
How does the Wi-Fi synchronization know which PC to send the data to?
I am unable to synchronize a handheld computer due to an inability to communicate.
I need to get more time out of my handheld computer between battery charges.
I need to manually retrieve Bar|Scan data from my handheld computer. How do I do it?
I put my handheld computer in the cradle for the first time and it locked up.
Is there a shortcut key that acts as a ‘save’ key?
Message: "BarScan is already running. Only one instance is allowed at a time." I know I closed my last session. What is wrong?
Message: "ID=344" on my handheld computer after trying to synch the current configuration.
When I scan the asset tag, the handheld computer recognizes the asset and displays the popup asking whether I want to fill the information, but the pop-up is displaying so much information that it extends beyond the bottom of the display and any buttons that would be displayed (OK, Cancel or otherwise) are not visible. Can I control what info is/is not displayed in this pop-up so that I can shorten the display and keep the buttons onscreen?
Why do my handheld prompts not match my Bar|Scan’s desktop Configuration?
When I scan an Asset Number, can I see details about the item?
Can different users with handhelds from two different desktops do a simultaneous synchronization? If so, how many can do it at the same time? How many users can work on the Transaction table at the same time?
Error: "Problem showing Tag dialog. NullReferenceException ID=66" on handheld
Error: "Tag (or Take) handheld computer Fields file is incomplete. Unable to initialize handheld computerFIELDS table. ID=560 (or other codes)"
Error: "Unable to create…" error messages.
Error: "Unable to write data to the transport connection."
How can I assign a specific Handheld Configuration to a specific handheld device?
I am in TAKE Mode and have my handheld configured to ‘fill in’ asset information after I scan an asset tag and it does not fill in the information (such as serial number, name, etc.).
I have a good connection but my MC3200 handheld will not communicate. Is there a check I can perform?
Is it is possible to use the Catalog Manufacturer Part Number to obtain the Catalog?
MC3200 Calibration Screen Procedure
Message: "cannot be empty" on your handheld
Message: "Cannot find ‘BarScan’ (or one of its components). Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available."
Message: "Please set the Bar|Scan server IP address"
Message: "This appears to be an unlicensed copy of BarScan."
Message: "When doing a USB Sync you must start the Sync on the Handheld Device first". What should I do?
Setting Calendar and Currency Type
Special Notes on Handheld Synchronization
What are all the ways a handheld can communicate or synchronize with BarScan?
What are the difference between the Zebra MC3200 series and the Zebra MC55X series?
Why are multiple IP Addresses displayed on the Sync Screen?
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